April is a good friend of mine, you might be noticing a bit of a trend here, lol! But hey, I said I'm an aspiring photographer so shooting friends & family is a great way to practice! So if you're family/friend and you're reading this, don't be surprised when I ask you to be next! ;)
April and I have known each other since before we were in our twenties (oh, the good ol days before mortgages, insurance and everything else that comes with being a grown up ;) and here we are over 10 years later, and I must say A LOT has changed since then. Our conversations have grown and matured over the years from "OMG he's so hot!" and "What are you gonna wear out tonight?" to "I caught Paiton peeing in the pool!" and "Oh, if only I could get Paisley to take a bottle!" Lol! So yes things have changed to say the least, yet here we are ten years, a couple of husbands, and four kids later still friends and still those young girls at heart! :)
Paige & Paiton
Paiton is not a fan of taking pictures. I snapped this lil gem while he was off guard and I LOVE IT!
Miss Paisley

Love ya! :)