My entire life I've been taking pictures and I've got boxes and boxes of them to prove it. Yet it wasn't until my LAST semester at Texas Tech that I realized how much I loved photography. It was the 2nd summer session in 2005 and I was taking 21 hrs, that's right you read it correctly, TWENTY-ONE hrs! I had to write a letter to the College of Human Sciences, receive approval from the Dean, and become a research assistant to do it, but I was going to graduate THAT semester and not a second later! Well, amongst the 21 hrs still needed to graduate was an 'elective' course. I searched among the available 'electives' that would work with my already insane schedule all the while thinking, "This is just stupid! Who needs an elective?" And then I found it, Principles of Photography, and just like that my life was forever changed. The more I learned each day as I sat in class the more I changed the way I looked at the world around me. Suddenly everything was so shiny and new and had me itching to shoot! I felt alive and renewed and like I had finally found what I was meant to do with my life! Only problem was I was graduating in less than a month with a degree that was far from photography. Lest, I couldn't let it go. I couldn't turn it off. I was changed (for the better) and it was about time I faced it!
It's taken me a few years to finally gain up enough courage to abandon my fears and just go for it full force! To not only shoot and practice but to share my work with others and try to grow as an artist and a businesswoman in the process. Here is where I'll share my journey; the ups and downs, the good, the bad, and most certainly, the ugly! I'll share with you my dreams and aspirations, my life and loved ones and hopefully some pretty pictures too! ;)